Sunday, 22 March 2009

Holidays - but still working!

We're on our Easter break now, time has flown this term.
Plenty to do to keep us busy working on the 1:200 plans and sequentials. I've written a long 'to do' list with the amount of time each item will take me. Looks like I can fit it in ok with a day or so spare which is good - I can build the website for Advanced Representation on thosse days. No break for me then!!
Still, I'm glad I did the bulk of the work during term. Got lots of good feedback from Julia and Jamie on Monday, so although my work was rough, I do now know where I'm going with it and what I need to do to get it up to standard. Hope I can manage it ok.
Off to college today with a few others to have a photoshop session with Kris. will also print out my plan so I can render it. Better make a couple of copies in case of errors!
Back soon

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